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Red Aesthetic

  • BLUE


Red is the color of passion. It is on the far right of the color spectrum.

Because red is so intense, it can be overwhelming. Studies have shown that a room painted red can be stressful for the occupants inside.

When paired with blue and yellow (the other primary colors), it can convey strength. When used with green, it will attract attention.

Use red with caution. Use too much and your audience will tune out.

Red Aesthetic

Red & the Primary Colors

Because red is so intense, it can be overwhelming. Studies have shown that a room painted red can be stressful for the occupants inside. When used with blue and yellow, red is often used as a highlight color.

Primary Color Example 1

Yellow is the dominant color here, with red and blue acting as highlights.

Primary Color Example 2

Red is explosive.

Primary Color Example 3

Primary colors act as a good anchor and can pull a design together.

Poster Design

Some examples of red being used in poster design.

Red Poster 1

This poster is simple but it grabs your attention because it is red.

Red Poster 2

Red is the color of death. It is used here to reinforce that feeling of dread in the play Death of a Salesman.

Red Poster 3

Stripes on the flag turn to blood here.

Red Poster 4

A bold jagged line grabs the users attention.

Red Poster 3

A human face will always draw people in, but the red square here is equally powerful at getting attention. In this design your eye bounces back and forth from the foreground to background between the two.

Web Design

If red were used as a dominant color on a website it could overwhelm the user. In these examples red is often used as a highlight color instead.

Red Website 1

Limited amounts of red makes this site pleasant to use.

Red Website 2

Red is used on the CTA's here.


Red is the most active color on the spectrum. It calls attention to itself. Advertisers leverage this to grab attention.

Red Ad 1

These good boys look great next to red.

Red Ad 2

The boldness and simplicty of this ad draws you in. When the viewer sees it, it's a like a little puzzle their brain wants to solve.